Sunday, November 23, 2008

If you do not have a Web 2.0, is giving a bad image

I started creating web pages at the University (URJC), back in the 90s, when google had not appeared on the network, and the search engines were famous ole and Ozu. 
At that then did all the webs (which they did, very few) with our Front Page that came with Windows, full of animated gifs and frames (that then was the solution to the mobility of the user without losing sight of the menu) , of course, there was no flash, no firefox, or anything ... 
Today, sailing, for websde serious business, there is still a bit of those sites, a model and former imàgenmuy rare. 
Much remains to be done in the Web 2.0 design, and I am sure that when we come to 3.0 (if you call it) will be left websque at 1.0. 
Sorprendentesi is not talking about geocities websites, Lycos, or iespana, although no upgrade in 10 years, the pages are still there, but companies that want to give a serious manner. 
It is curious how the managers of today are very concerned about its image before a customer, with his tie, his suit, and his car, but do not take care of this image in the presence of internet.Gran error, aunquemuy Community for its part. 
Employers with 50 or more years, many of them do not tienentanta record internet, as his own son aged 16, who spent the evening chatting and talking to their video-amigos.Este, father-steering-businessman, thinks the chat her son is a click, is very close to each other pages of both the NGOs, such as pàginasporno, all share a certain "cyber" space. 
The solved quite easily, to input the head, face and you think that your clothing is as the web. 
Every morning you shower, you fix and you miss cologne for good presence in your work, and before your clientes.Haz the same with the Web. 
If you do not have a Web 2.0, is not giving a imàgenactùalizada your empresa.Es like saying you have music in cassets and you do not have mp3, what do you think your potential client? 
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